Call for applications for the position of Vice-President of ICHO

The International Commission of the History of Oceanography (ICHO) invites nominations, including self-nominations, to fill one of four Vice-President positions of the commission that has recently become vacant. ICHO is a global body devoted to linking scholars, writers, and teachers interested in the history of the ocean sciences, broadly defined. We are a commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) within the Division of the History of Science and Technology (DHST).

We are a global body, and as such scholars from underrepresented groups, those who are from or who work in places outside the United States and Europe, and early career scholars are especially encouraged to apply.

We seek one person to join the commission leadership. The Council meets virtually approximately twice a year and works via correspondence otherwise. The Vice President’s role includes participating in committee assignments, assisting with membership drives, and helping organize ICHO activities.  An upcoming focus is the organization of ICHO sessions for the upcoming 27th International Congress for the History of Science & Technology at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2025.

Potential applicants should contact the President, Helen Rozwadowski with questions or for an informal conversation about the role and the Commission.

To apply, please submit a letter of nomination (for yourself or someone else; please secure their permission if nominating another person) outlining your/their scholarly interests and experience, as well as containing an expression of interest in, and vision for, the role. Applications should also include an academic C.V. and the names of two colleagues (peers are fine) who would be happy to supply suitable references on request.

Send nominations (ideally as one pdf document) to

Review of nominations will begin on 1 September 2023 and the Council will vote on the position thereafter.

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