Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre (1933 – 2022)

Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre, photo taken in 2013

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Mme. Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre this past week. Many of us will fondly remember Mme. Carpine-Lancre for her great kindness and generosity. She remained an active and prolific scholar throughout her life, did everything she could to aid colleagues in their research, and was eager to lend her guidance and assistance to young scholars beginning their studies in the history of the marine sciences. Mme. Carpine-Lancre was the world’s foremost expert on the life and work of Prince Albert 1st of Monaco. She possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of oceanography in Monaco and France acquired over the course of a lifetime of study. It is hard to fathom the depth of the loss that the absence of her wisdom and expertise represents to our community. She was, as can perhaps best be expressed only in French, “une grande dame” among historians of oceanography.

You will find below links to a three-part interview with Mme. Carpine-Lancre conducted in 2008 by the Association pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine maritime de Villefranche-sur-Mer (ASPVM). In the interview, Carpine-Lancre discusses her career as head librarian at the oceanographic museum in Monaco as well her extensive work in the Monaco palace archives after her retirement from the museum. She also describes the life and work of Prince Albert 1st.

Link One

Link Two

Link Three

Below is a representative list of some of Mme. Carpine-Lancre’s many publications:


Les croisières océanographiques françaises antérieures à 1914. – Monaco : Musée océanographique. – 10 p. multigr.


Les expéditions océanographiques françaises du xIx° siècle. Actes – XIF Congrès international d’histoire des sciences, Paris, 1968, tome 7, pp. 61-65.


The plan for an International Oceanographic Congress proposed by H.S.H. the Prince Albert 1st of Monaco, in : Oceanography: the past, edited by M. Sears and D. Merriman, pp. 157-167, 1 fig. New York ; Heidelberg ; Berlin : Springer-Verlag.


La première campagne océanographique du Prince Albert de Monaco (juillet-août 1885). Acta geographica, 3° série, n° 63 [= 3° trimestre 1985], pp. 1-12, 4 fig.


Le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco et l’alimentation des naufragés en pleine mer. Histoire de la médecine navale et d’outre-mer, séminaires faits au Musée de la Marine, vol. 10 [= 1987-1988], 21 p.


Julien Thoulet (1843-1936), pionnier de l’océanographie française. Abstracts VIIIth International Congress of History of Science, Ist-9th August 1989, Hamburg – Munich, R8/3, 1 p.


Le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco marin et océanographe : chronologie sommaire. Océanis, vol. 19, n° 4, pp. 121-135, portrait.


La Société ‘océanographie du golfe de Gascogne. in : L’aventure maritime, du golfe de Gascogne à Terre-Neuve, pp. 31-42. Paris : Editions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. (Actes du 118e congrès national annuel des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Pau,octobre 1993, sections : Histoire des sciences, Histoire moderne et contemporaine,Géographie, Archéologie et Histoire de l’art) (Colloques du CTHS; 12).

Prince, océanographe et “cinématographiste” : Albert Ier de Monaco. 1895, n° 18 [Images du réel, la non-fiction en France (1890-1930), sous la direction de Thierry Lefebvre], pp. 84-95, 3 fig.


Préparatifs, déroulement et bilan de la campagne océanographique de 1896, in : La campagne de la Princesse-Alice en 1896, pp. 6-22, 1 carte. – Monaco : Musée océanographique.


Albert I, Prince of Monaco (1848-1922). – Monaco: Editions EGC. – 32 p., illustrations, portraits, fac-similés, couverture illustrée.


Oceanographic sovereigns: Prince Albert I of Monaco and King Carlos I of Portugal, in : Understanding the Oceans, a century of ocean exploration / ed. Margaret Deacon, Tony Rice and Colin Summerhayes, pp. 56-68, 6 fig. – London ; New York : UCL Press.


The origin and early history of ‘la Carte générale bathymétrique des océans’, in : The history of GEBCO 1903-2003, the 100-year story of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, pp. 15-51, fig. 9-10, 14-15. – Lemmer : GITC.

The Prince and the swabs. Deep-sea newsletter, n° 32, pp. 22-24, 2 fig.

Chronology of the main events related to the origins, and the first and second editions of la Carte générale bathymétrique des océans, in : Charting the secret world of the ocean floor. The GEBCO project 1903-2003 (GEBCO centenary conference, Monaco, 14-16 April 2003 presentations), 12 p. – Monaco: Organisation hydrographique international; Paris : Commission océanographique intergouvernementale. CD-Rom.

Origins of a lasting bathymetric endeavour. International hydrographic review, (new series) vol. 4, n° 2, pp. 6-16, 1 fig.; vol. 4, n° 3, p. 96.


The still-born concept of a Bureau of British Marine Biology (1910). The Linnean, vol. 22, n° 2, pp. 26-33, 2 fig. [en collaboration avec P. G. Moore]

Un rapport inédit de Mieczystaw Oxner. Voyage d’études en Allemagne et en Scandinavie (1912). Organon, vol. 34 [2005], pp. 119-180, 3 fig. www://ihnpan.waw.pl/redakcje/organon/34/carpine-lancre.pdf

Mieczyslaw Oxner d’après la correspondance échangée avec Jules Richard, directeur du Musée océanographique de Monaco. Annales – Centre scientifique de l’Académie polonaise des sciences à Paris, vol. 9, pp. 242-252, 1 fig.


The Arctic cruises of Prince Albert I of Monaco. Polar Record, vol. 44, n° 228, pp. 1-14, 10 fig.[en collaboration avec William Barr]

Le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco et la Science. Archives de l’Institut de paléontologie humaine, vol. 39, pp. 13-26, 4 fig.

Prince Albert I of Monaco for Science, in : From Prince Albert I to Prince Albert II, continued interest of Monaco in the Arctic, pp. 2-4, 4 fig. – Monaco : Délégation permanente auprès des Organismes internationaux à caractère scientifique,environnemental et humanitaire.


Prince Albert and J.Y. Buchanan: Mediterranean investigations. History of oceanography, n° 22, pp. 24-31, 6 fig. [en collaboration avec Anita McConnell)


Honorer la science : le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco, le Muséum de Paris et Lamarck. Bulletin du Musée d’anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, n° 51 [= 2011]. pp. 155-172, 4 fig.


De la germanophilie à la germanophobie : le prince Albert Ier de Monaco face à la Première Guerre mondiale Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 136-7, pp. 33-51 [en collaboration avec Thomas Fouilleron].


Une page majeure de la zoologie lyonnaise : René Kœhler (1860-1931) et la campagne océanographique du Caudan (1895). Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, 2016, 85 (3-4) : 83 – 92 [en collaboration avec Jean-Loup d’Hondt].

2 thoughts on “Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre (1933 – 2022)

  1. I will miss Jacqueline more than I can say. Her kindness, generosity, unbridled enthusiasm for all our projects, and much else, are only a small part of her influence. I remember very well a meeting in her office in the Musee in early 1989 when she very firmly, but diplomatically, told me that I was to prepare a newsletter, History of Oceanography, for the (then) Commission of Oceanography of the IUHPS. How could I refuse, after she had provided me with working space, located a wonderful apartment for Anne and me (with a view into the estates of the very wealthy and of Corsica on the clearest winter days), and given me endless advice and support for my research? That print newsletter saw the Commission (now ICHO) into the digital age of the early 2000s and has the current website as its offspring.

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